Monday 9 February 2009

First filming

Our first filming of our film (disturbance of the un-woken) was on the 15th of January. Our location was in some woods near one of our groups houses. Having the location near to the house enabled me to be able to carry the ladder that we were going to need to shoot our high angled shots from to the location.
We shot many mid and close ups of our actress and we found that these shots were fairly simple to shoot. However our higher angled shots proved to be fairly difficult as the ladder was not particularly stable even with the help of the group holding it.
The timing of our shooting was both an advantage and a disadvantage to us. By filming at around 4oclock we could get our shots in slight darkness adding to setting and building suspense. However it did set us back slightly as the darkness ment that we could not get all the shots done to the quality that we wanted.
The feedback we got from our teacher were that our mese-en-sene costume and location were good however we needed improvement in some shots where the camera was not still. He also spoke to us about changing some of the shots to make the girl look more similar in the flashback shots in order to keep to the verisimilitude.